Embracing Self-Persuasion in Patient Care
The quote by Miller and Rollnick from their book “Motivational Interviewing” highlights a pivotal concept in patient care and behavioural change.
The central idea is that individuals are more receptive to change and persuasion when they feel that the impetus for that change comes from within themselves, rather than being imposed by someone else. This concept is particularly relevant for clinicians who work with clients on managing chronic problems.

The Traditional Clinical Approach and Its Limitations
In traditional clinical settings, the healthcare provider often assumes the role of an expert who diagnoses problems and prescribes solutions. For example, a physiotherapist might tell a client with chronic back pain, “You need to do these stretching exercises every day to reduce your stiffness.” While this directive approach provides clear instructions, it may encounter resistance from clients due to psychological reactance—a reaction to perceived threats to one’s autonomy.
Motivational Interviewing: A Collaborative Alternative
Contrastingly, motivational interviewing involves eliciting the client’s own motivations and commitment to change.
Rather than telling the client what to do, the clinician might ask open-ended questions that lead the client to express their own reasons for wanting to improve their health, such as, “What activities does your back pain prevent you from enjoying?” or “How would your daily routine improve if your stiffness was lessened?”
These questions encourage clients to articulate their own goals and the steps they believe they could take to achieve them, like, “I would start walking every day to build strength.”
The Advantages of Eliciting Client Motivation
The skill of eliciting answers from clients offers several benefits. It fosters a sense of ownership over the health-related changes, increasing the likelihood of adherence to the treatment plan. It also promotes a collaborative relationship between clinician and client, where the client’s perspective is valued and their intrinsic motivation is harnessed.
When to Provide Direct Information
However, there are also benefits to the skill of providing direct information. There are situations where clients require expert guidance and clear instructions, particularly when they are unsure about how to proceed or when a clinician’s specialised knowledge is crucial for safety and efficacy, as in the case of explaining how to properly execute an exercise to avoid injury.
Judging the Use of Linguistic Tools in Clinical Practice
Knowing when to use each linguistic tool is a matter of professional judgment and adaptability. Direct advice may be more appropriate when dealing with acute issues or when clients express a preference for clear guidance.
In contrast, eliciting the client’s own insights and motivations may be more effective for long-term behaviour change, such as lifestyle adjustments for chronic condition management.
Blending Approaches for Enhanced Patient Outcomes
In practice, a clinician might blend both approaches. After using a guiding style of communication to help a client recognise the benefits of staying active, the clinician could then provide specific exercise recommendations.
This dual approach ensures that the client’s autonomy is respected while still benefitting from the clinician’s expertise.
Conclusion: The Art of Patient-Centred Communication
In conclusion, clinicians who can skilfully provide direct information and elicit self-motivated change from clients can navigate the complexities of patient care with greater success, leading to improved outcomes and client satisfaction.
The art lies in balancing these approaches and recognising the unique needs and preferences of each client.
Contact me to find out when I’m coming to your state for communication skills workshops: annettetonkin@gmail.com
CS4CS Communication Skills 4 Client Success Level 1 Workshop Adelaide 13th and 14th September 2024.
Contact us for details on this unique course run by myself and Bill McTigue
Annette Tonkin on annettetonkin@gmail.com
Bill McTigue on billm@mgolf.com.au