From Goal Setting to Values Elicitation: A Two-Step Process to Empower Motivation in Healthcare

Our values influence our motivation. If we don’t have strongly held values, we’ll have little motivation. If our values are strong, our motivation will be equally strong.” – Steve Andreas, NLP Comprehensive

In the realm of healthcare, clinicians are adept at assisting clients in setting goals. However, goal setting is merely the starting point for cultivating lasting motivation. As Steve Andreas eloquently points out, it is the underlying values behind these goals that provide the fuel for sustained drive and commitment. 

For physiotherapists and other healthcare clinicians, mastering the art of eliciting a client’s values can significantly enhance the goal-setting process.

Understanding Goals vs. Values

Goals are specific targets we aim to achieve, often with a tangible outcome or measurable result. Values, on the other hand, are the deeply held principles that guide our actions and give meaning to our goals.

Example 1:

  • Goal: A client wishes to recover from a knee injury.
  • Value: The underlying value could be independence, as the client yearns to return to their daily activities without assistance.

Example 2:

  • Goal: Another client aims to reduce their chronic back pain.
  • Value: The value driving this goal might be comfort, enabling them to engage in leisure activities or enjoy quality time with family without the distraction of pain.

Steps to Elicit Values and Link Them to Goals

  • Active Listening: Begin by listening attentively to your client’s language. Notice any words that indicate what is important to them, as these can hint at their core values.
  • Open-Ended Questions: Ask questions that encourage clients to explore their reasons for setting particular goals. For instance, “What does recovering from this injury mean to you?” or “How will reducing your back pain improve your life?” Of “What do you miss most about not being able to do….?”
  • Reflection: Reflect on what the client shares to ensure understanding and to confirm the importance of these values. This can also help clients to articulate values they might not have been explicitly aware of.
  • Connection: Help the client see the connection between their values and their goals. Discuss how achieving their goals will honour and reflect their values.
  • Documentation: Encourage clients to document their values alongside their goals. This serves as a powerful reminder and motivation tool, especially during challenging times.
  • Revisiting: Regularly revisit and reevaluate the values and goals to ensure they remain aligned and adjust as needed.

The Rewarding Outcome of the Two-Step Process

By moving from goal setting to values elicitation, clinicians can create a more robust framework for motivation that resonates on a personal level with clients. This process not only empowers clients to pursue their goals with greater passion but also provides clinicians with a deeper understanding of their clients’ motivations.

The integration of values into goal setting makes the pursuit of health objectives more meaningful and personal. It can transform routine exercises into purpose-driven activities and turn the path to recovery into a journey towards living one’s values. 

When clinicians and clients collaborate in this two-step process, the result is not just a successful outcome but a rewarding and enriching experience for both parties.

In conclusion, as we embrace the wisdom of Steve Andreas, we recognise that the real power lies not in the goals we set but in the values that breathe life into those goals. 

By linking the two, healthcare clinicians can unlock a deeper level of motivation and engagement in their clients, leading to more profound and lasting change.

Contact me to find out when I’m coming to your state for communication skills workshops:

CS4CS Communication Skills 4 Client Success Level 1 Workshop Adelaide 13th and 14th September 2024. 

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