Stay Healthy with Expert's Advice
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“Focus on the real problem, not the first problem.” – Michael Bungay Stanier, ‘The Coaching Habit’ This interesting statement from Stanier’s work encapsulates a crucial concept for clinicians in their daily practice. It challenges you to look beyond surface-level...
This insightful quote from William Miller highlights a crucial aspect of effective communication and problem-solving in healthcare settings, particularly when dealing with patients who struggle with adherence. It emphasises the importance of understanding and validating the patient’s perspective, even...
It’s common in healthcare to find yourself grappling with the challenge of client non-adherence. Chris Voss’s insight offers us a fresh perspective: “The goal is to identify what your counterpart actually needs (monetarily, emotionally, or otherwise) and get them...
This is the final article in a series of three based on communication models. In an era where patient-centred care is paramount, the S.A.I.D model offers a structured approach to improving communication with clients. By mastering these four strategies,...
Why Healthcare Clinicians Should Care About Conversation Types You ability to communicate effectively can significantly impact client outcomes. Charles Duhigg’s model of three conversation types provides a framework for understanding and improving your interactions with clients, leading to better...
Your ability to communicate effectively with clients is paramount to providing quality care. Two models that offer valuable insights into improving your communication skills are Charles Duhigg’s three types of conversations and Lowenbraun & Stephens’ S.A.I.D model. Let’s explore...
Unveiling the Hidden: Beyond Patient Objections In my previous discussion, I explored how objections are often requests for more information rather than outright rejections. Now, let’s delve deeper into why healthcare professionals might misinterpret these objections and how you...
“An objection is not a rejection, it is simply a request for more information.” – Bo Bennet This insightful quote from Bo Bennet offers a valuable perspective for healthcare professionals when dealing with objections. It encourages us to reframe...
Incorporating effective communication techniques can significantly enhance the impact that health care clinicians have on their clients. One such technique, suggested by Phil M Jones in his book “Exactly What to Say,” involves the power of framing a conversation...
communication skills, effective communication, effective communication skills, health communication, therapeutic communication, verbal communication skills
In the realm of healthcare, effective communication is not solely about the exchange of information; it is about understanding the profound impact of non-verbal cues, such as silence. Oscar Trimboli, in his work “Deep Listening,” eloquently highlights the transformative...
communication skills, effective communication skills, health communication, therapeutic communication
In the words of Charles Duhigg, author of “The Power of Habit,” willpower operates much like a muscle: it can be fortified through practice yet is susceptible to fatigue. This dual nature of willpower—being both a learnable skill and...
communication skills, effective communication, effective communication skills, health communication, motivating patients, motivational skills for health professionals, therapeutic communication
“Our values influence our motivation. If we don’t have strongly held values, we’ll have little motivation. If our values are strong, our motivation will be equally strong.” – Steve Andreas, NLP Comprehensive In the realm of healthcare, clinicians are...
communication skills, effective communication, effective communication skills, health communication, motivating patients, motivational skills for health professionals, therapeutic communication
When it comes to rehabilitation and treatment, clinicians often focus on the technical aspects of exercise prescription. However, the success of any intervention lies not just in the what, but also in the how and the when. BJ Fogg,...
communication skills, effective communication, effective communication skills, health communication, motivating patients, motivational skills for health professionals, therapeutic communication
Complex reflections are a crucial component of Motivational Interviewing (MI), a counselling approach developed by William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick. This technique is designed to support and strengthen a person’s own motivation and commitment to change. A complex...
communication skills, effective communication, effective communication skills, health communication, therapeutic communication, verbal communication skills
In the realm of healthcare, the success of treatment often hinges not only on the clinical skills of healthcare professionals but also on the willingness and ability of patients to adhere to prescribed interventions. “Nudge,” a groundbreaking book by...
communication skills, effective communication, effective communication skills, health communication, motivating patients, motivational skills for health professionals, therapeutic communication
Embracing Self-Persuasion in Patient Care The quote by Miller and Rollnick from their book “Motivational Interviewing” highlights a pivotal concept in patient care and behavioural change. The central idea is that individuals are more receptive to change and persuasion...
communication skills, effective communication, effective communication skills, health communication, therapeutic communication, verbal communication skills
Frequently Asked Questions
Occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Duas molestias cupiditate harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.
How many people undergo cosmetic surgery each year?
Is surgery performed under general or local anesthesia?
Do you perform tumescent liposuction?
Tumescent liposuction uses a large volume of dilute epinephrine to cause intense constriction of the small blood vessels, which leads to less bleeding, less bruising and less swelling.
If a patient has a heart condition, is plastic surgery with general anesthesia safe?
Does a person's voice change after rhinoplasty (nose surgery)?
How do I know what size breast implant is right for me?
For example, are you doing it because you feel your breasts are too small relative to your body contour or are you unhappy with the size and firmness of your breasts following pregnancy, breastfeeding or major weight loss? Unevenness between the breasts can also be a motivating factor. Your surgeon can help you make the right decision during your pre-surgical appointments.
What is the recovery from cosmetic surgery like?
What parts of the body do you do Plastic Surgery on?
How long does it take for an operation?
What are the risks?
What are the most common surgeries?
Will it be covered by my medical insurance?
What is the difference between Cosmetic and Reconstructive surgery?
How long does it take to recover from Reconstructive surgery?
What procedures are considered reconstructive surgery?
The line between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery can sometimes be blurred. Generally, reconstructive surgery improves both appearance and health. Some examples of reconstructive surgery include:
- Tumor Removal
- Laceration Repair
- Scar Revision
- Hand Surgery
- Breast Reduction
- Breast Reconstruction (Following surgical breast cancer treatment)
- Burn Care – Reconstructive Rhinoplasty (to improve nose air flow)
- Eyelid Surgery (to improve field of vision)